Our Men Behind the Scenes in Shropshire
A couple of weeks ago we collected full boxes of a special favourite of ours from Shropshire, the strong and aromatic Ling heather honey. This pure honey seems to be the only thing which stops Steve’s nephew’s (pictured below) hay-fever, thank goodness for the health honey benefits, as we need him to be on top form when he's up helping us to lift honey boxes on the Long Mynd!
George has not been the only helping hand. When all things honey in London become busy, sometimes we need a man on call looking out for our beehives across the rest of the UK. In the case of Shropshire where our heather honey comes from that man is someone very close to our heart and perfect for the job.
Steve’s Dad John is chief site finder and also weather & heather reporter for the Shropshire moors. Although John declares himself too old for bee keeping we like to think he’s the main man when it comes to reporting conditions and keeping an eye out for possible new honey bee sites. Although sometimes communications can become confusing due to complications with learning to text and volume levels on phone calls.
Our new site on the Long Mynd where we are now keeping bees was found by none other that John himself and is where we placed our best honeybee colonies from down in Dungeness on the south coast. Earlier this season when a fence was being installed to protect the bees heavy rain was falling in Shropshire and the job ended with John having to drive dressed in a bin bag back down to Shrewsbury.
Ned & John being treated by Steve to a knickerbocker glory at Fortnum & Mason.
Your hard work was worth it John, the honey harvest is in, the Long Mynd mead is bubbling and the shelves are restocked with the prized Ling heather honey.