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Write Us a Letter to Join the Party

Write Us a Letter to Join the Party


Next week we're having a knees up in the warehouse to celebrate the launch of Steve and Aly's new book, Letters to a Beekeeper. 

Much as we'd love to have all of you there, sadly we can't fit everyone in. However, we always love to hear from you about your bee-spotting, guerrilla gardening, pollinator patio pots and other ways you are supporting our mutual friends, the bees.

So we'd love it if you sent our beekeeper, Steve, a ditty on how you're doing your bit to support the bees. We want to collate your letters and we'll reply to our favourite letter with an invite for two to next week's launch party, so you can raise a honey cocktail with us.

Please send your post to: The Beekeeper, The London Honey Company, Arch 7, Spa Business Park, Dockley Road, London, SE16 3FJ.

And of course, don't forget to tell us how we can get hold of you, by bee-mail or phone. This is not an elaborate data collection ploy, just a party, so we'll treat your details responsibly. Letters must arrive by Tuesday and you'll need to be free to be in London on Wednesday evening.

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