British Honey Trio Gift Set, 3 x 100g
Our British Honey Trio has proven to be a truly popular best seller. The original idea for our Trio centered around 'travels across the British countryside', allowing customers to experience just how different honey can taste based on the location and flora available to the bees.
This thought led us to create our NEW Trio, focused on giving exceptional contrast between the three different source locations of the honey, all of which are produced from our own hives. We've also chosen two incredibly special monofloral varieties - yet each of the profiles show us that it is possible to travel, whilst remaining local and sustainable.
A beautiful way to experience the varied colour, taste and texture of pure and natural honey.
Don’t be fooled by the pale colour to think this makes for mild flavour; this is one of the most distinctly British honeys, prized forits delicate medicinal and herbal ‘green’ notes.
A truly wondrous sight, the rich colour of Heather Honey is one of natures most divine creations. The most savoury, and the richest honey of them all - taste the big, bold, ripe flavours of the moors through the ‘jelly like’ texture.
KENT CREAMED HONEY: POLYFLORAL (from different nectar sources)
Our beehives are situated on a beautiful old country estate in Kent. They forage on broad beans, brassicas and hawthorn, so this sweet creamed honey also has delicate vegetal notes.
Each gift box contains:
1 x Essex Borage Honey Jar, 100g
1 x Lancashire Ling Heather Honey Jar, 100g
1 x Kent Creamed Honey Jar, 100g