NEW British Honey Duo, Wildflower & Borage
The perfect pairing of two contrasting British honeys; a complex summer Wildflower and pure monofloral Borage. Each honey carries the signature of the landscape.
Wiltshire Wildflower Honey
Our bees reside on the tumbling Wiltshire downlands, taking advantage of yellow melilot and sanfoin flora, and wild bramble hedgerows. Beautifully complex, with delicate undertones Wiltshire Wildflower Honey has a charming aroma.
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Borage Honey
Also known as starflower, Borage's vibrant blue bloom is the traditional Pimms garnish and is grown for oil with medicinal properties. The honey itself is unusually clear, delicate tasting and really rather incredible. We adore it in herbal teas.
Location: Essex, UK
Our honey is always unpasteurised and minimally filtered retaining its natural properties. Natural honey's health benefits have long been recognised by communities all over the world.
2 x 250g Jars Gift Boxed