Travels in Honey: Persimmon Pickle with Salisbury Honey
This recipe is a showcase in the beauty of natural sugar. Persimmons are naturally sweet and so this pickle only needs a few spoonfuls of our Salisbury honey to help it along and no refined sugars in the mix at all! The fruits are high in essential potassium and beta carotene, and antioxidants that help support keen vision and mental agility so, when put together with honey’s magical properties, we say keep a jar in the fridge and serve it up alongside plain rice, alongside cheeses, as a dip whenever you’re needing a healthy boost.
2 tbsp vegetable or coconut oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
Handful of fresh curry leaves (if can get them, otherwise leave out )
1 red onion, thinly sliced
½ tsp sea salt
2 birds eye red chilli
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp fresh ginger
1 tsp chilli powder
1 cinnamon stick, broken in half
4 unripe persimmon, thinly sliced
2 limes, juiced
Heat the oil in a large wide pan and, when just about to smoke, add the mustard seeds followed by the curry leaves. Allow to crackle then add the onion, salt and red chilli. Cook on a high heat for 5 minutes then add the turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, chilli powder, persimmon, lime juice and honey.
Turn down the heat and cook for 5 minutes to soften the persimmon and deepen the flavour. Taste then leave to cool. Store in a clean jar. It will keep for about a week.
Emily says:
The Salisbury honey brings out the natural sweetness of the persimmon. If you want to take this one step further, you can turn the pickle into a fast curry: simply add coconut milk at the end.